In the Media

In the Media

Beyond Center

Abstract Submission are being accepted for the 33rd Texas Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics

We are pleased to announce that the 33rd Texas Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics will take place from December 8–12

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New Book: Physician Wellness and Resilience by Pauline Davies

The new book "Physician Wellness and Resilience: Narrative Prompts to Address Burnout", edited by Pauline Davies, Beyond Center affiliate faculty, from Arizona State University's Hugh Downs School

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Life As No One Knows It

'A Test for Life Versus Non-Life" - The New York Times on Sara Walker's upcoming book

In a new book, physicist Sara Walker argues that assembly theory can explain what life is, and even help scientists create new forms of it.

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Book Review: Life as No One Knows It: The Physics of Life’s Emergence

What is life and how does one recognize it? asks Walker, an astrobiology professor at Arizona State University, in her bold debut.

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Lex Fridman Podcast: Sara Walker- Physics of Life, Time, Complexity, and Aliens

Sara Walker is an astrobiologist and theoretical physicist. She is the author of a new book titled "Life as No One Knows It: The Physics of Life's Emergence"

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What alien life might actually look like - and how we'll find it

Two astrobiologists investigate extraterrestrial existence in The Secret Life of the Universe and Life As No One Knows It

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Sara Walker's debut book 'Life As No One Knows It' coming August 6th!

An intriguing new scientific theory that explains what life is and how it emerges. What is life?

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Your Brain on AI: From organoids to consciousness

Join us this National Science Week for a journey into a future that is coming sooner than you think.

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Beyond Center

The Beyond Center is hiring multiple postdoctoral positions!

The Beyond Center for Fundamental Concepts in Science at Arizona State University is seeking postdoctoral candidates to join Professor Sara Walker's interdisciplinary ELife lab.

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Paul Davies with texts that reads "Welcome Paul Davies"

Quantum Collaborative Welcomes Paul Davies as new advisor

We are honored to welcome the great theoretical physicist, cosmologist and astrobiologist – Paul Davies – as a @Quantum Collaborative advisor.

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Copernicus Space Corp. logo.

Paul Davies appointed as a member to the Copernicus Space Corporation Distinguished and Visionary Strategic & Scientific Advisory Board

Dr. Davies joins other renowned and highly regarded astrophysics, astrobiology, space exploration, mathematics and technology business experts to the Copernicus SSAB.

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In bold white text reads :The Implications of Einstein. Photo of Paul Davies in black and white on far right of image.

What are the Implications of Einstein's Thinking?

What are the implications of Einstein’s predictions? Has our understanding of reality integrated the implications of this thinking?

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2022 Nobel Prize

Congratulations to Svante Paabo, the 2015 Beyond Annual Lecturer, for being awarded the 2022 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine!

The Nobel Assembly at Karolinska Institutet has today decided to award the 2022 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine to Svante Pääbo for his discoveries concerning the genomes of extinct hominins

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Close-up of a protractor and mechanical pencil on white, blank paper

Einstein’s Theory of Relativity Reviewed by Adjunct Professor of Beyond, Pauline Davies (Newman)

The Beyond Center’s Pauline Davies (Newman) reports on a dazzling new test of Einstein’s theory of relativity in a recently broadcast radio feature.

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Simplified sketch of the Big Bang

What the James Webb Space Telescope reveals

Discover why NASA’s new telescope is a huge step forward for understanding the universe.

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Image Courtesy of Pixabay

Documentary broadcast produced and presented by Pauline Newman, Adjunct Professor of Beyond

The Center’s Pauline Newman (Davies) produced and presented an acclaimed one-hour documentary broadcast in May

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School Logo

University of Science and Technology of China: Information Announcement

Are you a perspective student interested in pursuing a master's degree in science and technology?

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Paul Davies

Paul Davies gives public lecture at Google

Paul Davies is an English physicist, writer and broadcaster, a professor at Arizona State University as well as the Director of the Center for Fundamental Concepts in Science.

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Credit: Mark Garlick / Science Photo Library

Black holes: from absurd idea to fact of nature

A shipbound student with time to kill was the first to figure out the fate of dying stars. Paul Davies explains.

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abstract space

How Theoretical Physicists Can Help Find E.T.

When searching for E.T., scientists tend to look for signs of life with certain similarities to life on Earth.

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Paul Davies' Article: "Is new physics lurking in living matter?"

Paul Davies' new article published on Physics Today and learn new information how key concepts bridge together physics and biology.

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Covid 19 graphic

Beyond COVID-19: Network Science and Sustainable Exit Strategies Workshop

In May of this year, the Beyond Center worked with Moogsoft Inc. to conduct a workshop with efforts to  inform public policy in response to the pandemic.

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quantum computers

Pauline (Newman) Davies on The Science Show - AGAIN!!

Scientists urged to keep waving the flag. UNSW launches new degree in quantum engineering. Startup building the infrastructure for quantum computing.

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