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Re-Conceptualizing the Origin of Life

S.I. Walker, N. Packard and G. Cody (2017) Re-Conceptualizing the Origin of Life. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. A.  375:20160337


Over the last several hundred years of scientific progress, we have arrived at a deep understanding of the non-living world. We have not yet achieved an analogous, deep understanding of the living world. The origins of life is our best chance at discovering scientific laws governing life, because it marks the point of departure from the predictable physical and chemical world to the novel, history-dependent living world. This theme issue aims to explore ways to build a deeper understanding of the nature of biology, by modelling the origins of life on a sufficiently abstract level, starting from prebiotic conditions on Earth and possibly on other planets and bridging quantitative frameworks approaching universal aspects of life. The aim of the editors is to stimulate new directions for solving the origins of life. The present introduction represents the point of view of the editors on some of the most promising future directions.

This article is part of the themed issue ‘Reconceptualizing the origins of life’.

How Causal Analysis Can Reveal Autonomy in Models of Biological Systems

W. Marshall, H. Kim, S.I. Walker, G. Tononi, and L. Albantakis (2017) How Causal Analysis Can Reveal Autonomy in Models of Biological Systems. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. A.  375:20160358


Standard techniques for studying biological systems largely focus on their dynamical or, more recently, their informational properties, usually taking either a reductionist or holistic perspective. Yet, studying only individual system elements or the dynamics of the system as a whole disregards the organizational structure of the system—whether there are subsets of elements with joint causes or effects, and whether the system is strongly integrated or composed of several loosely interacting components. Integrated information theory offers a theoretical framework to (1) investigate the compositional cause–effect structure of a system and to (2) identify causal borders of highly integrated elements comprising local maxima of intrinsic cause–effect power. Here we apply this comprehensive causal analysis to a Boolean network model of the fission yeast (Schizosaccharomyces pombe) cell cycle. We demonstrate that this biological model features a non-trivial causal architecture, whose discovery may provide insights about the real cell cycle that could not be gained from holistic or reductionist approaches. We also show how some specific properties of this underlying causal architecture relate to the biological notion of autonomy. Ultimately, we suggest that analysing the causal organization of a system, including key features like intrinsic control and stable causal borders, should prove relevant for distinguishing life from non-life, and thus could also illuminate the origin of life problem.

This article is part of the themed issue ‘Reconceptualizing the origins of life’.

Prebiotic RNA Network Formation: A Taxonomy of Molecular Cooperation

C. Mathis*, S. Ramprasad, S.I. Walker, and N. Lehman (2017) Prebiotic RNA Network Formation: A Taxonomy of Molecular Cooperation. Life 7(4):38.


Cooperation is essential for evolution of biological complexity. Recent work has shown game theoretic arguments, commonly used to model biological cooperation, can also illuminate the dynamics of chemical systems. Here we investigate the types of cooperation possible in a real RNA system based on the Azoarcus ribozyme, by constructing a taxonomy of possible cooperative groups. We construct a computational model of this system to investigate the features of the real system promoting cooperation. We find triplet interactions among genotypes are intrinsically biased towards cooperation due to the particular distribution of catalytic rate constants measured empirically in the real system. For other distributions cooperation is less favored. We discuss implications for understanding cooperation as a driver of complexification in the origin of life.

Phylostratigraphic analysis of tumor and developmental transcriptomes reveals relationship between oncogenesis, phylogenesis and ontogenesis

Joseph X. Zhou, Luis Cisneros, Theo Knijnenburg, Kalliopi Trachana, Paul Davies, Sui Huang (2018). Convergent Science: Physical Oncology. IOP Science.


The question of the existence of cancer is inadequately answered by invoking somatic mutations or the disruptions of cellular and tissue control mechanisms. As such uniformly random events alone cannot account for the almost inevitable occurrence of an extremely complex process such as cancer. In the different epistemic realm, an ultimate explanation of cancer is that cancer is a reversion of a cell to an ancestral pre-Metazoan state, i.e. a cellular form of atavism. Several studies have suggested that genes involved in cancer have evolved at particular evolutionary time linked to the unicellular-multicellular transition. Here we used a refined phylostratigraphic analysis of evolutionary ages of the known genes/pathways associated with cancer and the genes differentially expressed between normal and cancer tissue as well as between embryonic and mature (differentiated) cells. We found that cancer-specific transcriptomes and cancer-related pathways were enriched for genes that evolved in the pre-Metazoan era and depleted of genes that evolved in the post-Metazoan era. By contrast an opposite relation was found for cell maturation: the age distribution frequency of the genes expressed in differentiated epithelial cells were enriched for post-Metazoan genes and depleted of pre-Metazoan ones. These findings support the atavism theory that cancer cells manifest the reactivation of an ancient ancestral state featuring unicellular modalities. Thus our bioinformatics analyses suggest that not only does oncogenesis recapitulate ontogenesis, and ontogenesis recapitulates phylogenesis, but also oncogenesis recapitulates phylogenesis. This more encompassing perspective may offer a natural organizing framework for genetic alterations in cancers and point to new treatment options that target the genes controlling the atavism transition.

Cancer as a Disorder of Patterning Information: computational and biophysical perspectives on the cancer problem

D. Moore**,  S.I. Walker, and M. Levin (2017) Cancer as a Disorder of Patterning Information: computational and biophysical perspectives on the cancer problem. Convergent Science Physical Oncology. 3(4): 043001.


The current paradigm views cancer as arising clonally from a degradation of genetic information in single cells. A complementary perspective, originating at the dawn of modern developmental biology, is that cancer is the result of a system disorder of algorithms that normally orchestrate individual cell activities toward specific anatomical structures and away from tumorigenesis. A view of cancer as a disease of geometry focuses on the pathways that allow cells to cooperate to build and maintain large-scale anatomical patterning. Cancer may result when cells stop maintaining higher-order structures and reduce the boundary of their computational selves to a single-cell level, reverting to a unicellular lifestyle in which the rest of the organism is merely part of the environment at the expense of which all living things survive. While this view has been widely discussed, little progress has been made in providing a quantitative, mechanistic framework within which this perspective's specific and unique implications for treatment strategies can be tested and biomedically exploited. Here, we highlight two recent areas of progress which may facilitate much-needed progress on the cancer problem. First, we review the roles that endogenous bioelectrical networks, operating across many tissues in vivo, play as a medium of information processing in tumor suppression, progression, and reprogramming. Second, we provide a primer to the development of computational theory and tools for quantifying the information and causal control structures in cancer and other complex biological systems. Rigorous mathematical formalisms now exist to measure and analyze the extent to which 'a whole is more than the sum of its parts', applications of which could lead to new strategies for cancer reprogramming. Here, we review the basic landscape of these related subfields, and sketch specific ways in which a synthesis of novel integrative biophysics and mathematical analysis may contribute to novel ways to understand and address cancer in vivo.