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Coffee @ Beyond takes place on the last Monday of the Month, at 3:00pm in the Biodesign Auditorium, ASU Tempe Campus. These interdisiplanary seminars are intended to push the conceptual boundaries and feature experts in their fields of study. Come for coffee, tea, cookies and a great talk!

Dr. Adami obtained his Ph.D. and M.A. in theoretical physics from the State University of New York at Stony Brook, as well as a Diploma in Physics from Bonn University (Germany). His main research focus is Darwinian evolution.
Everywhere modern humans went, they constructed their own ecological niche by eliminating competitors. How did this relatively young species accomplish so much in so little time? Join Curtis Marean in this discussion.
Physical emergence-crystals, rocks, sandpiles, turbulent eddies, planets, stars-is fundamentally different from biological emergence-amoeba, mice, humans-even though the latter is based in the former.
Join us for coffee, cookies, and an interesting discussion at this month’s Coffee@Beyond! This month's talk, which will be delivered by Michael Lynch, is titled "Evolution is Not Simply Natural Selection".