Beyond Center

Beyond Center

A pioneering center devoted to confronting the really big questions of science and philosophy.

About us

Our research projects address such issues, and range from cosmology, through astrobiology to the ultimate fate of humanity. We tackle subjects as diverse as time travel, the colonization of Mars, multiple universes, the nature of complexity and the relationship between mathematics and nature.

Our vision:

  • To create new and exciting ideas that push the boundaries of research a bit "beyond"
  • To conduct research that transcends traditional subject categories
  • To answer foundational questions in science, and explore their philosophical ramifications - what might be called "the big questions"
  • To present science to the public as a key component of our culture and of significance to all humanity
Machine human

In the media

Beyond Center

Abstract Submission are being accepted for the 33rd Texas Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics

We are pleased to announce that the 33rd Texas Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics will take place from December 8–12

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New Book: Physician Wellness and Resilience by Pauline Davies

The new book "Physician Wellness and Resilience: Narrative Prompts to Address Burnout", edited by Pauline Davies, Beyond Center affiliate faculty, from Arizona State University's Hugh Downs School

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Life As No One Knows It

'A Test for Life Versus Non-Life" - The New York Times on Sara Walker's upcoming book

In a new book, physicist Sara Walker argues that assembly theory can explain what life is, and even help scientists create new forms of it.

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Beyond ASU Events

Upcoming Events


March 2025 Thinking Beyond - Creating a New Tree of Life in the Lab: Threats and Opportunities

March 31, 2025

Zoom Webinar

So far, all of biological research is done on a single sample of life.


Save the Date- Thinking Beyond April 2025!

April 28, 2025

Zoom Webinar

April's Thinking Beyond will feature John Mitrofanis, and he will discuss "Unraveling the mystery of brain cell chit-chat: do they talk with light?"

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