Join us for a monthly webinar series, ASK A PHYSICIST, with renowned physicists Paul Davies and Sara Walker from the Beyond Center for Fundamental Concepts in Science at Arizona State University and guest presenter Charley Lineweaver from the Research School of Astronomy and Astrophysics at Australian National University. Each month's webinar will address the big questions in physics and the audience will be able to submit questions ahead of time or during the webinar to add to the discussion!
January's webinar will address the question: "Planet of the Apes Fallacy: should we expect aliens to be intelligent?"
In the famous series of movies, when human civilization collapses, chimps, gorillas and orangutans start acting like humans. But does this make any evolutionary sense? If there is life beyond Earth, will it evolve toward human-like technological intelligence, or is this just wishful thinking by the SETI community?
This webinar is free and open to the public, however space is limited and registration is required! So RSVP today!
Please submit your questions for discussion during this webinar to, deepthought@asu.edu.